Optimal control of temperature-dependent model for fermentation process


  • Ya. Ye. Matsyong
  • Ya. H. Savula
  • M. V. Shcherbatyi


A mathematical model of must fermentation taking into account the dependence of model parameters on temperature is considered. An analytic form of this dependence (exponential and linear) is determined. The problems of parameter identification and optimal control are described. The numerical results for the problem of optimal control (the speed problem) and identification of parameters of the Rkatsiteli wine must fermentation are presented.

Author Biographies

Ya. Ye. Matsyong

Matsyong Ya.Ye.

Ya. H. Savula

Savula Ya.H.

M. V. Shcherbatyi

Shcherbatyi M.V.



Methods of optimization, optimum control and theory of games