Systematicity of organizational management




system, management, administration, science, art, skills, vocation, style of management, systematic management typology


Organizational management is the weakest element in the evolution of the modern civilization. It creates a lot of problems at all levels of its hierarchy that have not been solved for a long time. Overcoming these problems requires streamlining, improving and enhancing the instrumental methodological arsenal of organizational management, creating a system and thus guaranteeing results and efficiency of its practical use. In this article, we make an attempt to formulate the ideas and content for further studies. Integrating them in the systemizing stream, i.e. building/restoring the systematic character of organizational management, this article addresses its basics, such as definitions, fundamental principles, the style difference and system typology that should create main landmarks in the field of a new scientific approach to an interested reader.

Author Biography

Ivan N. Drogobytskij, Financial University, Moscow

Ivan Drogobytskij,

Doctor of Economics, a professor of the Department of Systems Analysis in Economics of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


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