Stability of local weights of decision alternatives on basis of pairwise comparison method




stability interval of expert estimations of pairwise comparisons, consistency of expert estimations of pairwise comparisons, stability of ranging, stability index, the RGMM


The pairwise comparison method is used to solve poorly structured problems of decision making, for the calculation of relative weights of decision alternatives in terms of quality characteristic (decision criterion) on the basis of expert judgments of alternatives. In this paper, a method for estimating the stability of local weights of decision alternatives is developed. This method is used when local weights are calculated on the basis of the RGMM. The developed method includes: an estimation of the stability of the local ranking of decision alternatives to changes in expert pairwise comparison judgments and an estimation of the stability of consistency of expert pairwise comparison judgments to a change of a single judgment. The formulas are devised for calculating the stability intervals of expert pairwise comparison judgments as to changes of local ranking of decision alternatives. Stability intervals are proposed for finding critical elements of a decision-making problem. These critical elements are expert judgments that are sensitive to changes of a local ranking of alternatives and the most inconsistent expert judgments.

Author Biography

Nadezhda I. Nedashkovskaya, The department of mathematical methods of system analysis of ESC "IASA" NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine

Nadezhda Ivanovna Nedashkovskaya,

PhD, doctoral candidate in NTUU "KPI", an associate professor in the department of mathematical methods of system analysis of ESC "IASA" NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine


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Theoretical and applied problems and methods of system analysis