About the journal

The Institute for Applied System Analysis of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine publishes the theoretical and practical works pertaining to a wide range of problems connected with system research and information technologies.

The journal volume is 150 pages, four issues annually. The journal has been published since January 2002.

In the journal you may find articles containing new results pertaining to the research of problems, which are being solved for the first time.

● A general approach and methods of a system coordinated solution of a sequence of interdependent problems is suggested, among which are a purposeful rational choice of multilevel hierarchal structure for a complex system in accordance with the requirements to an object as a whole; a choice of forming a set of purposeful functions based on empirical data on the conditions of conceptual uncertainty; definition of a Pareto set based on the condition of a rational mutual coordination of a set of purposeful functions values and the area of their determination; multicriterion choice of a rational solution on the Pareto set on the condition of a compromise of contradictory goals. It may give some new opportunities for finding a rational compromise in solving multicritirion system problems of conceptual design, situational forecast, innovational planning.

A new approach was suggested for the formation of conceptual fundamentals of a methodology of system analysis and forecasting risks in the dynamics of safety control for complex engineering systems as the basis for the strategy and apparatus of system coordinated solution of problems of identification, forecasting and minimization of risks of abnormal, critical situations, emergencies and catastrophes in the real time scale under conditions of incompleteness, uncertainty, inaccuracy and contradictoriness of initial information and the presence of unavoidable time threshold constraints on the cycle of formation and realization of decisions regarding the prevention of risk situations consequences.

● Modern methods are presented for research of control systems for objects described by non-linear operator, differential-operator equations, differential-operational inclusions and variational inequalities in Banach spaces with constraints on control and phase variables. Theories of existence of optimization functions are proved; necessary conditions for optimality in the form of variational inequalities are justified; methods of finite dimensional approximations considered for extremum problems and necessary conditions for them are developed; a problem of extremum regularization of constraints in the form of operator inequalities and inclusions is solved.

The developed methods are used for control of processes being modeled by non-linear boundary problems for equations in partial derivatives, mixed systems and others.

● Theoretical fundamentals of probability methods of data and knowledge analysis characterizing the statics and dynamics of complex systems in engineering, industry, finance, economy, medicine are developed with the purpose of forming structural and functional mathematical and statistical models and methods of situation analysis, foresight and forecast of future events, methods of decision making support, diagnostics and automatic control.

The main direction of the present and further research is the development of a theory and methods of the Bayesian estimation and synthesis of Bayesian networks, methods of training based on statistical data and methods of forming statistical conclusions based on the network.

System approach to the solution of the problem of analysis and synthesis of Bayesian networks gives the possibility to create an applied computer system for decision making support during foresight and forecast of future events, risks analysis, complex systems control in economy, finance, engineering and industry, The applied software is being developed for estimation and analysis of models by the Bayesian methods and application of the obtained models for solving problems in various fields of scientific and practical activities.

● Fuzzy methods of inductive modeling are developed for problems of forecast in economy and financial field. Fuzzy neuron networks in the problems of classification of cluster analysis and forecast are investigated.

The main topics are: theoretical and applied problems and methods of system analysis; theoretical and applied problems of computer science; automated control systems; progressive information technologies, high-efficiency computer systems; decision making and control in economic, technical, ecological and social systems; theoretical and applied problems of intellectual systems for decision making support; problem- and function-oriented computer systems and networks; methods of optimization, optimum control and theory of games; mathematical methods, models, problems and technologies of complex systems research; methods of system analysis and control in conditions of risk and uncertainty; heuristic methods and algorithms in system analysis and control; new methods in system analysis, computer science and theory of decision making; scientific and methodical problems in education.

Publications are in Ukrainian and English.

The journal publishes works of the leading scientists: Prof. P. Bidiuk (Ukraine), Prof. J. Bonnin (France), Prof. A. Villa (France), Prof. M. Gaeta (Italy), Prof. M. Diament (France), Prof. G. Iovane (Italy), Prof. J. Hinderer(France), Prof. I Maximey (Belarus), Prof. V. Melnik (Ukraine), Prof. N. Pankratova (Ukraine), Prof. T. L. Saati (USA), Acad. I. Serguiyenko (Ukraine), Prof. E. Tsarkov (Latvia), Prof. Yu. Zaichenko (Ukraine), Acad. M. Zgurovsky (Ukraine), and others.

The editorial board is international. It consists of scientists from USA (Prof. E.A. Feinberg), Turkey (Prof. G.-W. Weber), Lithuania (Prof. L. Sakalauskas), Egypt (Prof. A.M. Salem), Poland (J. Korbicz, a member of PAS), Spain (Prof. J. Valero), Romania (H.-N. Teodorescu, a member of NAS), leading scientists of Ukraine.

The journal "System Research and Information Technologies" is included in the list of professional publications category A.

The editor-in-chief is Mikhail Zgurovsky, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor, doctor of technical sciences, rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", one of the leading scientists in the field of system analyses, information technologies, the theory of decision making and control in economic, engineering, ecological and social systems, the author of more than 400 scientific works, including 20 monographs and textbooks.

The deputy chief editor is Natalya Pankratova, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor, doctor of technical sciences, deputy director for research of the Institute for Applied System Analysis, a leading scientist in the field of system analysis, information technologies, the theory decision making, cognitive modeling, applied mathematics and mechanics, the author more than 500 scientific publications, including 22 monographs and 14 educational-methodological works.

The journal systematically presents reviews of the works of scientific conferences, seminars on system analysis and information technologies, education and science conducted by UNESCO and technological foresight organized by UNIDO.