Information and methodological basis for the definition of complex ecological assessment of natural and man-made objects


  • T. V. Kozulia The Department of computer monitoring and logistics of NTU "KhPI, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • M. O. Bilova The Department of computer monitoring and logistics of NTU "KhPI, Kharkiv, Ukraine



complex object, integrated assessment, state safety, informational and methodological support, semigraphical modeling, cognitive map, comparator identification, predictive calculation


The basic ways are identified to improve the integrated system of safety evaluation of the state of the complex natural and man-made objects according to the identification of destabilizing factors for the purpose of controlling the sustainable development and employing the control measures. The prospects of introducing the cognitive modeling into the information and methodological support of the environmental assessment of complex objects are analyzed. The practical implementation of the proposed method is given using the forecasting of the state of Kharkov region as an example.

Author Biographies

T. V. Kozulia, The Department of computer monitoring and logistics of NTU "KhPI, Kharkiv

Tetiana Kozulia,

Dr.Sc., professor at the Department of computer monitoring and logistics of NTU "KhPI".

M. O. Bilova, The Department of computer monitoring and logistics of NTU "KhPI, Kharkiv

Mariya Bilova, a Ph.D. student at the Department of computer monitoring and logistics of NTU "KhPI.


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Decision making and control in economic, technical, ecological and social systems