Assessment of human adaptive reserves by pulse wave


  • Inna O. Zaporozhko The Department of Biomedical Engineering of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Danylo A. Borozenets
  • Viktor I. Zubchuk The Department of Biomedical Engineering of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine



diagnostics, functional state, pulse wave, biological age, form index


The definition of adaptive reserves of human health is one of the diagnostic tasks and is aimed at obtaining a quantitative assessment of the functional state of the main systems in the process of health and the appearance of pathologies. The article studies and describes the architecture of the system. A software-hardware system for recording and processing pulse wave data is shown. The proposed quantitative criterion for assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system is the pulse waveform index (PWI), while using the forward and inverse Fourier transform and analyzing its characteristics. Dynamic properties of a pulse wave in a state of rest are investigated. The results of the study by calculating PWI for groups of volunteers of different age and sex are presented. The proposed quantitative criterion R for estimating the adaptive reserves of the subjects is derived by training the neural network with back propagation of the error. The norms for R are presented that take into account person's age and sex. The estimation of this method, as well as the results of statistical processing of input data are carried out. The capabilities of the developed software and hardware system were analyzed, the proposals for improving both hardware and software were made.

Author Biographies

Inna O. Zaporozhko, The Department of Biomedical Engineering of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Kyiv

Inna Zaporozhko,

a Ph.D. student at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Danylo A. Borozenets

Danylo Borozenets,

MS in Computer Science, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Viktor I. Zubchuk, The Department of Biomedical Engineering of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Kyiv

Viktor Zubchuk,

Ph.D., an associate professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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Decision making and control in economic, technical, ecological and social systems