Organizing the fuzzy inference based on multilevel parallelism




fuzzy inference, multilevel parallelism, speed-up, fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno systems, acceleration estimation


In this paper, a method for constructing hierarchical systems of fuzzy inference based on multilevel parallelism, in particular, second-level parallelism, is developed, theoretically substantiated and implemented. This approach is designed to accelerate the computation of hierarchical fuzzy systems having complex dependency graphs between blocks of fuzzy rules. The concept of multilevel parallelism is formulated and presented. The notion of the level of parallelism is introduced. The theorem is formulated and proved, and a method for theoretical estimation of the maximum possible acceleration for systems constructed on the basis of parallelism of the level n is developed. An approach to designing hierarchical fuzzy systems based on multilevel parallelism for NVIDIA graphics accelerators is developed. Using NVIDIA CUDA technology, an experimental software system was designed for hierarchical systems of fuzzy inference based on multilevel parallelism for systems having complex graphs of dependencies between blocks of fuzzy rules. Experimental estimates of the acceleration are obtained. Also, based on the developed method, theoretical estimates of the maximum possible acceleration are found. A comparative characteristic of the theoretical and experimental estimates of the acceleration of hierarchical fuzzy systems is given.

Author Biography

Roman M. Ponomarenko, Glushkov Institute of cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv

Roman Mykolayovych Ponomarenko,

a Ph.D. student at Glushkov Institute of cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, an assistant at the department of Computer-aided management and data processing systems of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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Mathematical methods, models, problems and technologies for complex systems research