Reconstruction theorem for certain dynamical systems


  • Viktor G. Gorodetskyi The Department of Electromechanical Equipment for Energy-Consumption Industries of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine



original system, differential model, reconstruction, observed variable, candidate model


A theorem which gives a rigorous justification for using the differential model to obtain an original system that describes a real physical process is proved. The theorem can be used to reconstruct the model from a single observed variable, the presence of which allows us to obtain a differential model. In the differential model, the variables that are missing are replaced by the time derivatives of the observed variable. The existence of relations that connect the original system and the differential model allows the transition from the differential model to the original system. In this case, several original candidate models can be obtained. As a result, the researcher can choose the model that most fully reflects the physics of the process. The proved theorem can also be used to simplify the previously obtained model, which probably contains redundant terms.

Author Biography

Viktor G. Gorodetskyi, The Department of Electromechanical Equipment for Energy-Consumption Industries of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv

Viktor G. Gorodetskyi,

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, an associate professor at the department of the Department of Electromechanical Equipment for Energy-Consumption Industries of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine.


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Mathematical methods, models, problems and technologies for complex systems research