Augmented security scheme for shared dynamic data with efficient lightweight elliptic curve cryptography




ciphertext, user revocation, data sharing, CC, ECC, security issues


Technology for Cloud Computing (CC) has advanced, so Cloud Computing creates a variety of cloud services. Users may receive storage space from the provider as Cloud storage services are quite practical; many users and businesses save their data in cloud storage. Data confidentiality becomes a larger risk for service providers when more information is outsourced to Cloud storage. Hence in this work, a Ciphertext and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) with Identity-based encryption (CP-IBE) approaches are used in the cloud environment to ensure data security for a healthcare environment. The revocation problem becomes complicated since characteristics are used to create cipher texts and secret keys; therefore, a User revocation algorithm is introduced for which a secret token key is uniquely produced for each level ensuring security. The initial operation, including signature, public audits, and dynamic data, are sensible to Sybil attacks; hence, to overcome that, a Sybil Attack Check Algorithm is introduced, effectively securing the system. Moreover, the conditions for public auditing using shared data and providing typical strategies, including the analytical function, security, and performance conditions, are analyzed in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and similarity.

Author Biographies

Dipa Dharmadhikari, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad

Research scholar at the Department of CSIT Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, India.

Sharvari Chandrashekhar Tamane, Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College of MGM University, Aurangabad

Professor, the head of Information Technology Department of Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College of MGM University, Aurangabad, India.


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Progressive information technologies, high-efficiency computer systems