The strategy of innovative development of the region on the basis of synthesis of foresight methodologies and cognitive modeling


  • M. Zgurovsky
  • V. Pankratov


A strategy and implementation of innovative development of the region on the basis of synthesis of foresight methodologies and cognitive modeling are proposed. Involvement at the first stage of the strategy of foresight methodology allows with the help of expert evaluation to identify the critical technologies and build alternative scenarios with quantitative characteristics values. The obtained characteristics are the source data for the initial iteration of cognitive modeling. The use of cognitive graph models allows to create a reasonable scenario that makes them almost indispensable tool in the analytical support for strategic planning and development at the company, metropolis, and region level. The proposed strategy proposes a unique opportunity in the framework of the common program-analytical complex to solve problems of strategic planning and rapid response. The example of scenario creating of innovation development region is given.


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Theoretical and applied problems and methods of system analysis