The automated control system of freight traffic


  • S. Zabara
  • M. Dekhtyaruk


The automated system of optimization of freight traffic on a transport network is developed which is implemented in the form of the software system using the Borland C ++ Builder visual design environment. The software system consists of the main form from which two subroutines are loaded. Using the subroutine "Optimization of routing of transportations" the optimum routes for transporting the cargo are searched on the given transport network using different schemes (from one vertex (the supplier) to all other vertices (the consumers), successively from each vertex to all other vertices, from two (or several) specified vertices to all other vertices). The subroutine “Optimization of transport transportations of cargoes” performs the optimization of transportations of cargoes between the points of supply and consumption, taking into account restrictions on volumes of cargoes in departure and destination points.


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Progressive information technologies, high-efficiency computer systems