One aspect of the interaction of the system with its surroundings


  • G. P. Poveshchenko


The availability of resources is the basis of the existence of any system of any type. Limited resources, being the case almost always and everywhere, is one of the main problems of functioning open systems. In the system with limited resources, ordering is achieved through growth of disordering in surroundings and vice versa. Any system exists within defined boundaries, in the range of real existence. Based on the Lotka–Voltaire model, the influence of the environment on the system behavior was shown. Limitation of resources that come from the environment, and their replacement with their own resources reduces the degree of openness of the system and changes the oscillatory mode of operation to aperiodic, i.e. leads to a simplification of the organization of a system that is followed by its disintegration.


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Decision making and control in economic, technical, ecological and social systems