Methods of operational control of water provision in irrigation systems with predictive model


  • O. V. Polivoda
  • G. V. Rudakova


Optimization methods of operational control of water supply in the irrigation system under the conditions of uncertainty were developed by using an adaptive control system with a predictive model which solves the real time supervision control problems: observation, predicting the state of soil moisture, and search and realization of optimal control disaggregated by time intervals. Using the continuous model of a spatially distributed object allows to predict the dynamics of soil moisture in the root zone over the entire irrigated area, depending on its hydrological characteristics, the type of cultivated plants, the groundwater level, the volume of water coming to the field of irrigation systems, or in the form of random precipitations. An application of the developed methods in integrated automated control systems of moisture determines the guaranteed support of optimum conditions for growing plants, and economical use of water and energy resources.


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Methods of optimization, optimum control and theory of games