Identification of nonlinear systems with periodic external actions (Part II)




identification, ordinary differential equation, external action, periodic coefficient, constant coefficient


The article presents the results of the study, which is a continuation of the author’s previous research. This paper considers more complex problems in identifying nonlinear systems with periodic external actions. The article shows that the previously proposed method is applicable when the periods of external actions in the same differential equation may differ. At the same time, the ratio between the values of the periods can be both integer and fractional. The conditions under which this is possible are formulated. These conditions are based on the theorem proved in the previous work. Part of this study is devoted to the problem of identification of a chaotic system with an external non-sinusoidal action. To create such an external action, a function with three harmonic components was used. A numerical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the algorithm in this case as well.

Author Biography

Viktor Gorodetskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.), an associate professor at the Department of Automation of Electrical and Mechatronic Complexes of Educational and Research Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine.


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Mathematical methods, models, problems and technologies for complex systems research