An application of the Pearson method for determining the distributions of the char-acteristics of coronal mass ejections on the Sun


  • O. V. Fabrycheva
  • M. A. Kiyan
  • V. M. Podladchikov


The spheres of influence of solar weather on the Earth are the satellite and space stations, astronautics, telecommunications and navigation, aviation, ground systems, electronics and transport, climate, biosphere. That is why with the development of new technologies, astronautics, communication, telecommunication and cable networks, with the construction of oil pipelines, gas pipelines, with mining operations much attention has been paid to the study of solar activity in the world. The extremely urgent task of our time is the task of analysis and forecast of solar activity on the basis of data obtained from solar satellites (SOHO, STEREO, etc.). The main problem of this task is the restoration of the true distributions of the solar activity dynamics. In this paper, the Pearson method for determining the distributions of random variables is considered. The distributions were found for the following general characteristics of coronal mass ejections (CMEs): event’s duration, the time interval between the beginnings of events and the maximal area of dimming; also the experimental research results are presented.



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Methods of system analysis and control in conditions of risk and uncertainty