The designing of non-linear filter in the problem of structure identification of biomedical signals with locally focused signs


  • A. I. Povoroznyuk
  • A. E. Filatova


This research is aimed to improve the quality of structural identification of biomedical signals with locally focused signs through the development of new methods for solving this problem. The problem of designing of intelligent computer decision support systems in cardiology is considered in this research. Also, the main stages of processing of biomedical signals with locally focused signs are formulated. Generalized method of structural identification of biomedical signals with locally focused signs using a digital non-linear filter is proposed. Analysis of the non-linear filter parameters in the problem of structural identification of biomedical signals with locally focused signs is conducted, synthesis of quality criteria of structural identification based on the designed non-linear filter is completed, the experimental verification of the quality of structural identification by setting various parameters of the nonlinear filter is implemented. Conclusions about the effectiveness of different models of the desired signal for the structural identification of biomedical signals with locally focused signs are made.


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Mathematical methods, models, problems and technologies for complex systems research