The threats to metropolis safety, cognitive modeling


  • Z. K. Avdeeva
  • G. V. Gorelova
  • S. V. Kovryga
  • N. D. Pankratova


A set of results of cognitive modeling of public safety problems in metropolis are presented, related to the risk of drug use. In recent decades, the cognitive modeling has been widely used in various subject areas, but it has not been used to study the threats of drug use in cities and the associated risks of criminalization of society. This problem has been used as an example in order to test models and methods of cognitive modeling that were developed by the authors. Problems have been considered that were related to the cognitive maps development, verification, and further analysis by the proposed formal and informal methods. The analysis of cognitive maps consists of the analysis of the stability properties of the system to perturbations and its structural stability, the simplicial analysis of cognitive maps connectivity, the scenario analysis. The analysis revealed favorable and unfavorable scenarios for preventing the threats of drug use in the metropolis.


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Theoretical and applied problems and methods of system analysis