Approaches to the formalization of the application design in GPGPU technology


  • S. D. Pogorilyy
  • O. A. Vereshchynsky
  • D. Yu. Vitel


We justify the necessity of providing formalized methods for designing GPGPU algorithms, implementing them in software, and studying the fine structure of programs for massively parallel systems that contain video cards. Four approaches for designing applications for GPGPU technology were considered: the algebra-algorithmic; using colored Petri nets; using object-oriented programming patterns; and using functional programming methods. We analyze the advantages of Glushkov’s modified system of algorithmic algebras (SAA-M) and the real time process algebra (RTPA) in GPGPU-application developing process. Modifications of common object-oriented patterns were developed taking into account GPU features. Another approach is a declarative way of building GPU-computations based on MapReduce pattern and functional programming languages. Recommendations were given for practical use of these approaches.


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Progressive information technologies, high-efficiency computer systems