System modeling and forecast of environmental conditions of Kyiv based on statistical data of space monitoring and ground-based observations


  • A. V. Sokolovska
  • O. V. Nikitenko
  • O. D. Fedorovskiy


It was shown that the Forrester-Graham urban dynamics model could be used to evaluate the environment of the city of Kiev. The modified simulation model was developed which included the ability to incorporate the Earth remote sensing information and displayed the change dynamics of the urban landscape structure and some eco-social factors, namely: residential buildings areas, roads, the total area of vegetation, unused land and construction sites, the number of industrial and commercial enterprises, greenhouse gases emissions, the area covered with water, the building density, population. Based on this model, the integrated evaluation was made of the environment of the city of Kiev during 1994 – 2013 and the forecast until 2025 was given. The model can be used as a scientific basis for substantiation and formation of techniques for complex environmental assessment of urban areas using the Earth remote sensing information.


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Progressive information technologies, high-efficiency computer systems