Evolution of Research Objects Using Modified Morphological Analysis Method


  • I. O. Savchenko Навчально-науковий комплекс "Інститут прикладного системного аналізу" НТУУ "КПІ", Україна, Київ, Ukraine


Methods of taking into an account the time parameter in modified morphological analysis problems are considered in this paper. A quasi-static problem definition is considered, which includes such time dependent factors as events and tendencies. A method of taking these factors into account within a morphological table is given and its flaws are stated. A newly developed technique for including events and tendencies as external elements for the morphological table, that introduce scale coefficients into the modified morphological analysis problem, is presented. A solution for the problem of object’s evolution considering its changes through time, is shown. The issue of supporting a morphological table is considered and methods are presented to guarantee this morphological table to be up-to-date during time periods.

Author Biography

I. O. Savchenko, Навчально-науковий комплекс "Інститут прикладного системного аналізу" НТУУ "КПІ", Україна, Київ

Савченко Ілля Олександрович,

кандидат технічних наук, молодший науковий співробітник Навчально-наукового комплексу "Інститут прикладного системного аналізу" НТУУ "КПІ", Україна, Київ


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