Study of stability of the regional natural-industrial systems and optimal decision-making
A mathematical model, which describes the behavior of the rock mass during it is affected by mass forces, is proposed. Conditions are found for the parameters of the problem, where geotectonic violation is possible. A method of study, which consists in systematic approach to problem solution (separate the system, determination of its components, the definition of relationships between components) is proposed. The key defining of research methods is the availability of a database on the factors of influence. A mathematical model that allows to describe the layered structure of the rock mass based on the availability of geological faults and technogenic impacts, is considered. Research of its stability is based on the analysis of the energy balance of internal and external potentials, the complex influence of the mountain range, which is located in this region. The criteria (based on the imbalance of potentials), which allow the space-time prediction of possible extreme geological processes, are derived. The reliability of stability criteria is enhanced by systemic factor that can be calculated for the entire faculty, and for the individual components.References
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