Optimization of package transfer order in network routers considering traffic dynamic


  • P. E. Pustovoitov
  • L. G. Raskin


For the network node it was suggested a method, which solves the problem of the packets aggregation transfer order optimization with the known distribution of network elements busy dynamics. To solve the problem it was proposed the criterion - maximum packet delivery duration, which is minimized. It was shown, that the complicated problem reduces to a set of two-indexed assignment problems. The estimation of expediency of the assessment for packet transfer order optimization method usage was done. The gain, obtained using packet transfer order optimization, increases with the number of transferred packets and with an increasing the level of the variability of packets order length, that are waiting for service in intermediate nodes. The equations for calculating the level of variability of the order lengths are received. Using the simulation model, the graphs, which show the gain of the application of the messages transfer order optimization in the network nodes for the different number of orders, were constructed.


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Problem- and function-oriented computer systems and networks