Implementation of a comprehensive method of the complex objects diagnosis in the environment of the automated system of decision-making support


  • Yu. M. Chokha


Methodological stages of application of the universal complex control and calculated method and the peculiarities of its practical implementation in the environment of automated calculation-information systems are considered to ensure operational depth assessment of the current technical condition of aircraft. The conceptual, analytical and functional models of this method using are proposed on the example of the implementation of the complex approach in the surgical in-depth diagnosis of the typical gas turbine engine with the use of the environment of the automated system of decision support «EXPERT object ». References to the technical solutions obtained by the author, which confirm the scientific novelty and practical significance of the developed method of complex dynamic technical objects diagnosis in terms of their regular use for the intended purpose, are made. Conditions for the practical application of this method are determined.


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Progressive information technologies, high-efficiency computer systems