Automated control system of technological complex with a discrete mode of operation of the actuators in the conditions of AIC


  • V. T. Diordiev
  • A. A. Kashkarov


The problem of modeling of automated control system (ACS) of technological complex (TC) with a discrete mode of operation of technological equipment and actuators on the basis of Petri nets is considered. The problem is solved on the example of the technological process of production of combined fodder. With this purpose the state and ways of improvement of ACS TC with a discrete mode of operation, consumer indicators SCADA-systems and functionality of ACS are analyzed. For synthesis of the technological scheme of complex, its simulation model and system of its control the use of the mathematical apparatus of Petri networks is justified. Such approach allows to take into account the technological scheme of complex and parameters, which are subject to monitoring, control and registration. An example of the use of the proposed method of modeling is shown. By algorithms of the analysis of the duration of operation of the actuators and time of reaction of sensors the information functions of ACS TC are expanded with the help of the mathematical apparatus of harmonic analysis. The dialog boxes of the developed by the complex of combined fodder production software of ACS are presented. The results of industrial tests are shown.


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Progressive information technologies, high-efficiency computer systems