Optimization of the control of monocrystals scintillation cultivation


  • V. S. Suzdal
  • Yu. M. Epifanov


The automated system of the robust control of technological processes of obtaining of scintillation materials is considered. The building of system control regulators is offered to hold based on the H∞ -method of formation of a control loop with serial forming functions that allows to provide the guaranteed «robustness», stability and the necessary quality of crystallization systems control, as well as the optimum choice of the main intervals of robust stabilization of these systems. Operation of the two-dimensional robust controller in the growth installations has allowed to increase the accuracy of maintenance of thermal conditions of growing at maximum perturbations of thermal modes by high dynamic precision of crystal diameter control, increase sustainability by reducing fluctuations of the system, reduction of the duration of transient processes. The quality of single crystals is improved, output of finished products is increased, and thus, the guaranteed output of these crystals quality of detectors of ionizing radiation is provided.


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Decision making and control in economic, technical, ecological and social systems