Synthesis of the structure of the information protection system with the use of positional game of the defender and attacker


  • V. V. Glushak
  • O. M. Novikov


The approach to solving tasks on creation of information protection system under the conditions of the attacker’s attacks of complex nature and the limited resources of the defender for the construction of information protection system is proposed. In terms of the game theory the model based on the formula of information security risk and conflicting relationship between the attacker and the defender, is built. An optimization problem on minimizing the cost for protection system construction, if there are information about the attacker and the system vulnerabilities, is formed on the basis of developed model. The algorithm of problem solution on the basis of methods of the expert evaluation to get basic data, game theory, mathematical programming is developed. The result of solution of this problem is the optimal set of protection mechanisms, which will provide the maximum level of security (minimum value of information security risk) at the established limitations. On the distributed information and communication system, the calculation of the optimal allocation of protection mechanisms for reaching the minimum value of risk is carried out and practical suitability of the developed approach is proved.


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Decision making and control in economic, technical, ecological and social systems